Category: Featured

How teams are improving teacher job satisfaction and student academic support in Mesa, Ariz.
What happens when leaders and educators implement innovative, team-based staffing models in their schools and systems? Next Education Workforce™ models fundamentally redesign the one-teacher, one-classroom model to deepen and personalize learning for all students and improve working experiences for educators.

Who’s in your neighborhood? Leveraging your community to empower educators and learners
How can school systems leverage their communities to create deeper and more personalized learning for all students? One answer is to empower families, tutors, mentors and other community members with teaching and learning strategies that are easy to access and immediately put into practice with children.

Team teaching model is associated with higher job satisfaction for educators
Compared to other teachers in the same district, teachers that participate in Next Education Workforce™ team-based staffing models are more likely to say they would recommend teaching as a profession and plan to still be teaching in five years. These teachers on teams also received higher teacher evaluation ratings than non-teamed teachers.

Introducing the Community Educator Learning Hub
Community educators, the professionals and volunteers who assist with instruction, can now turn to this award-winning catalog of short, interactive nanocourses to access training designed to help them more effectively engage learners.

Momentum builds around new school staffing models
Around the world, educators are breaking from traditional structures used to staff classrooms. A movement is building as schools and systems pursue transformational changes to meet the needs of all students and make the job of teaching more attractive and sustainable.

Re-designing the role of a special educator through team-based staffing
Special educators face a unique set of job demands that set them apart from their general education colleagues. Key findings from a 2022-23 school year study underscore the effectiveness of teaming as a strategy to integrate and enhance the role of special education teachers, yielding benefits for school leaders, parents, teachers and students alike.

The Next Education Workforce podcast is back
What are experts from across the education landscape saying about strategic school staffing? We invited three experts to join us on the Next Education Workforce™ podcast for a miniseries on strategic school staffing.

Providing equitable instruction through team-based models
Carole Basile, Dean of the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation, joined the Remaking Tomorrow podcast to discuss the future of the educator workforce and the importance of recognizing the structural challenges that educators face within the current one-teacher, one-classroom model.

Q&A: The multi-year life-changing work of building a Next Education Workforce school
Tom Fletcher serves as the principal of Ronald Reagan Elementary School in Yuma, Ariz. Reagan Elementary has begun to implement Next Education Workforce team-based staffing models, which has required buy-in from educators, students and parents, as well as some creative problem solving.

Three lessons learned from building hundreds of team-based school staffing models
For the last four years, the Next Education Workforce™ team at Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation has collaborated with more than 20 school systems across a dozen states to help build team-based staffing models in more than 80 schools. When we say, “team-based staffing models,” what do we really mean?