Dynamic student groupings
How do educator teams leverage dynamic student groupings, differentiate roles and responsibilities and facilitate fluid movement across flexible learning spaces? Explore snapshots of learning spaces throughout the day.

Elements of the Next Education Workforce
There is no one-size-fits-all Next Education Workforce model. The diverse contexts, assets and needs of each school inform the design and implementation of each model. However, all Next Education Workforce models share several common elements. This document describes the Elements of the Next Education Workforce found across dozens of schools that have launched successful team-based models.

Dynamic student groupings at Kyrene de las Manitas
At Kyrene de las Manitas, teams of educators incorporate dynamic student groupings into a shared roster of students.

Dynamic student groupings at Paulo Freire
How Paulo Freire’s team of educators grouped and regrouped 68 middle school students over the course of a day.

Dynamic student groupings at Stevenson Elementary (5-6th)
Explore some of the ways an educator team grouped and regrouped 100 students over the course of a single day.

Dynamic student groupings at Stevenson Elementary (Kindergarten)
Explore some of the ways an educator team grouped and regrouped 100 students over the course of a single day.

Dynamic student groupings at Skyline High School
Explore some of the ways an educator team grouped and regrouped 100 students over the course of a single day.

Dynamic student groupings at Mountain View High School
Explore how 100 ninth grade students are supported by a core educator team that includes a Spanish teacher, biology teacher and a dual-certified English and world history teacher.