Event Audience: Training managers and coaches

High-Impact Tutoring Micro-credential Webinars

Are you looking to elevate tutoring skills and create opportunities to recognize the expertise of tutors within your organization? Join us for a 30-minute preview webinar of the new High-Impact Tutoring Micro-credential!

High-Impact Tutoring Micro-credential Webinars

Are you looking to elevate tutoring skills and create opportunities to recognize the expertise of tutors within your organization? Join us for an interactive webinar to explore the new High-Impact Tutoring Micro-credential.

Network of educators illustration on light blue background

Strategic School Staffing Summit 2025

The Strategic School Staffing Summit hosted by the Next Education Workforce™ initiative brings together hundreds of stakeholders from across the education ecosystem to share ideas, strategies, practices and conditions that enable a more diverse, team-based education workforce.

Leading Educator Teams Series

The Leading Educator Teams Series is designed for partners in the first two years of transitioning to team-based models. This series equips those leading educator teams with the tools and strategies necessary to develop high-performing teams.