Next Education Workforce one-day school site visits: Dec. 13, 2023
Join us for a special one-day visit to schools that are implementing team-based models.
This one-day special event opens with a brief introduction to the Next Education Workforce and features site visits to one elementary and one secondary school. The December 13 event includes visits to Stevenson Elementary and Smith Jr. High. A detailed agenda will be made available prior to the event. At each school, you will have the opportunity to tour the learning space and interact with school leaders, educator team members and students.
Registration is first-come, first-served. Capacity is likely to fill for this event. Register soon!
2023 Site Visit participant
The Next Education Workforce site visit is a great learning opportunity for those trying to see the big picture of a team model. It’s also beneficial in-the-moment planning time with your team. There’s so many “ways” to build this at your site, and being able to see and learn from others helps build ideas to bring home and make your own.
Frequently asked questions
Who should attend?
Site visits are designed for educator teams, including schools and school system leaders.
What is the time commitment?”
This one-day Next Education Workforce event will be held Dec. 13 from 7:45 a.m. – 12 p.m. Arizona time.
What is the format?”
Next Education Workforce one-day site visits are in-person in the Phoenix metro area. Participants will visit one elementary school and one secondary school. See the agenda for details.
What is the cost? What’s included?”
Next Education Workforce one-day site visits are $100 per person. Payment may be made via credit card or check when completing registration.
Transportation and meals are not included.
Registration closes Dec. 10. Our cancellation policy:
- Online events: Cancellations must be requested in writing seven days prior to the scheduled event start date in order to be eligible for a full refund. To request a refund, please email edworkforce@asu.edu with the event name and registrant information.
- In-person events: Cancellations must be requested three weeks prior to the scheduled event start date in order to be eligible for a full refund. To request a refund, please email edworkforce@asu.edu with the event name and registrant information.
- Cancellations made after these dates and no-shows will not be eligible for refunds.
- If you would like to send an alternate to an event in your place, please email edworkforce@asu.edu at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled event start date with current and new registrant information.
How soon should I register?”
Capacity for the Next Education Workforce one-day site visits are likely to fill in advance. This event is first-come, first-served. Please register all members of your group early. We’re unable to add additional seats given space limitations in schools.
Where should I stay?”
View local hotels and restaurants to get started on your reservations.
Who should I contact to learn more?”
Please reach out to edworkforce@asu.edu.
Is there a waitlist?”
In the event that registration is full, a link to sign up for the waitlist will be made available on the event page.