Format: Google Sheet

Using collaborative tools to implement data-driven flexible grouping
Explore how educator teams use cloud-based spreadsheets to fluidly and transparently group students by interest and skill.

Distributed expertise staffing matrix
This protocol helps educators make strategic decisions around how to best leverage the distributed expertise of team members. Additionally, it can help to identify other educators who may need to join the team and in what capacities.

Costs and shifts calculator
In this Google Sheet, you’ll be able to describe your strategy, input the costs, make intentional shifts and see your choices summarized on a dashboard.

Building schedules for remote community educators in 5 steps
As schools build teams of educators with distributed expertise, and especially as they increase the number of community educators on their teams, scheduling becomes an increasingly complex task. Here, you’ll find five actionable steps for building schedules for remote community educators that are responsive to student and team needs and maximize community educators’ skills and talents.