Dr. Nicole Thompson, Division Director of Teacher Preparation at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Brent Maddin talks with Dr. Nicole Thompson, Division Director of Teacher Preparation at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, about equity, paid teacher candidate residency models, and Principled Innovation.

  • 0:59: Nicole describes how MLFTC’s professional experiences looked when teacher candidates worked closely with only one mentor teacher and how the division approached the adoption of a Next Education Workforce model.
  • 3:33: Nicole explains how Next Education Workforce models expand students’ networks and help to advance equity for all students.
  • 5:37: MLFTC’s paid teacher candidate residency model advances equity for teacher candidates. Nicole shares how it works.
  • 9:59: Nicole describes how Next Education Workforce models prepare teacher candidates effectively for teaching in both traditional and teaming models.
  • 12:06: Nicole shares how the College’s approach to supporting teams, schools and districts to adopt Next Education Workforce models is an example of Principled Innovation.