School Spotlights

Mountain View High School
Mountain View High School leverages teams to create high-quality, interdisciplinary student experiences.

Kyrene de las Manitas Innovation Academy
Kyrene de las Manitas Innovation Academy creates new roles and staffing structures in an effort to attract and retain high-quality staff and reinvigorate teaching.

Smith Junior High
At Smith Junior High, educators view learner-centered, cross-curricular inquiry as a platform for student agency.

The Creighton Academy
The Creighton Academy serves about 300 students in grades K–6. Every student is a member of a covey: a multi-age group of 55–60 students.

Stevenson Elementary School
Stevenson Elementary School leverages inquiry learning approaches to ignite students’ curiosity and build their agency.

Westwood High School
Each core team at Westwood High School consists of four educators, with additional team members depending on students’ needs.