Topic: Community educators
Brent Maddin: What is the Next Education Workforce?
Host Brent Maddin shares how MLFTC is working with schools and other partners to 1) provide all students with deeper and personalized learning by building teams of educators with distributed expertise and 2) empower educators by developing new opportunities for role-based specialization and advancement.
Building schedules for remote community educators in 5 steps
As schools build teams of educators with distributed expertise, and especially as they increase the number of community educators on their teams, scheduling becomes an increasingly complex task. Here, you’ll find five actionable steps for building schedules for remote community educators that are responsive to student and team needs and maximize community educators’ skills and talents.
Building a Network of Community Educators
Community educators are talented adults from the community who bring additional capacity, insight and expertise to learning environments. Read on to learn about community educator roles; knowledge, skills and dispositions; policies and practices; and more