Topic: Teacher candidates

Dynamic student groupings at Mountain View High School
Explore how 100 ninth grade students are supported by a core educator team that includes a Spanish teacher, biology teacher and a dual-certified English and world history teacher.

SPARK School: Spotlight on the schedule
At SPARK School at Kyrene de las Manitas, 120 students in multi-aged grade bands (third through fifth grades) work with a core team of six educators: one teacher executive designer, two certified teachers and three teacher candidates. The prototype school-within-a-school was developed during a design process collaboratively led by the Kyrene School District and ASU’s MLFC Design Initiatives. In this resource, you’ll explore their schedule.

New support roles for educator teams in online and hybrid settings
Who are the groups of adults that might be leveraged to support students? Explore the specific roles those adults might play in the learning space.