How we support schools
We’ll help you launch strategic school staffing models to improve outcomes and experiences for educators and students.
As you launch, you’ll have a few options for how to continue working with our team. Explore Launch Services for 1:1 virtual coaching and professional learning. Or, consider Implementation Coaching for on-site support. Whichever option you choose, we’re here to support you every step of the way so that you can launch with confidence.
Start here
Explore Next Education Workforce team-based models and consider what strategic staffing could look like in your context.
Your planning year
Prepare to launch your model by building readiness, creating a plan and catalyzing change.
Your first two years
Launch your models with 1:1 support and role-specific resources and professional learning.
Explore team-based models
Register for an Explore Experience to start exploring team-based school staffing.
Explore Experience
Learn about the elements of team-based models and consider if this approach is right for your school or system context. With this offering, you will:
- Watch virtual site visits in advance of the 90-minute synchronous session to see team-based models in action
- Hear from educators and leaders implementing team-based staffing models
- Explore how Next Education Workforce team-based models engage learners and empower educators
What: Complete the virtual site visit on your own schedule, then join us for one 90-minute virtual session offered monthly
Who: System-level leaders, school leaders, educators and community members
When: Offered monthly
Not ready for an Explore Experience?
Sign up for a free monthly information session to learn more about the Next Education Workforce and how you can improve outcomes for educators and students.
Prepare to launch your first team
After the Explore Experience, you’ll begin preparing for your launch of team-based models.
System Readiness workshop series
Build your system’s readiness for piloting Next Education Workforce team-based models. During these workshops, you will identify and cultivate system readiness by:
- Articulating your “why” for team-based school staffing models and set goals for educators and learners
- Selecting your pilot school or schools and guiding coalition
- Creating a plan for engaging your community
- Identifying and addressing financial, human resources and policy opportunities and barriers
- Creating a support plan and timeline for your pilot
What: Virtual cohort to help system-level teams build readiness in their system and schools to pilot team-based models
Who: We recommend System Readiness is attended by a team of 3-8 people with expertise or experience in various areas, such as district leadership, teaching and learning, human resources and stakeholder engagement
When: Choose one of three, two-part series offered throughout the fall and spring
Leader Launchpad workshop series
Design your school’s first team-based model(s) and plan the systems and structures to support your model. During these workshops, you will prepare to pilot your model by:
- Clearly identifying what outcomes team-based staffing will help improve
- Identifying in which grades and with which educators you will pilot team-based staffing
- Creating a master schedule that prioritizes co-planning and a plan to maximize existing space
- Drafting a plan for engaging your school community
- Connecting with other leaders implementing team-based models in their schools
What: Five, 90-minute virtual workshops to help school leaders prepare to launch their team-based models
Who: Primarily school leaders, but may also include system-level leaders, educators and other decision makers
When: Offered multiple times each year throughout the spring
Launch team-based models
With Next Education Workforce Launch Services, a coach will help you confidently launch and refine your implementation of team-based models.
Launch Services
With Next Education Workforce Launch Services, your entire system — educators, school-level and system-level leaders — gain access to a full year of role-specific virtual professional learning and resources. Explore dates and details. These offerings are designed to accelerate your school’s transition to team-based staffing. You can expect to:
- Launch team-based models with greater confidence
- Unlock personalized support and insights via a monthly call with your ASU coach
- Accelerate a culture of collaboration
- Connect with other innovative leaders
Launch Services are available via a one-year service agreement for schools that have participated in System Readiness and Leader Launchpad workshops and demonstrate system and school readiness to launch team-based models.
Already a Launch Services partner? Register now for professional learning, communities of practice and other events just for Launch Services participants.
What: One-year service agreements to equip your school's leadership and teams with coaching and professional learning
Who: Educator teams, school leaders and system-level leaders
When: Year-round
Implementation Coaching
Strengthen the launch of your team-based school staffing model with on-site support from an ASU coach. Experienced Next Education Workforce coaches can provide both virtual and on-site coaching that will help you and your school confidently launch team-based models. You can expect:
- Support at your school site
- School-specific agendas co-created by your ASU coach and the school leadership team
- Observation and feedback to identify areas of strength and opportunity
- Virtual reflection sessions for educator teams
Implementation Coaching is available as an add-on to Launch Services. Travel expenses are paid by ASU.
What: On-site coaching at your school
Who: School leadership and educator teams
When: Year-round
Summer Institute
Lay the groundwork for a successful academic year with your educator team.
Summer Institute for Educator Teams
The three-day virtual Summer Institute provides educator teams and school leadership with tools and strategies to foster a collaborative culture, center your efforts on equity and set a vision for learners in the year ahead. You can expect:
- A multi-day, interactive event hosted by the Next Education Workforce initiative to bring educator teams and their school leaders together
- Opportunities to build team culture and enable educators to distribute their expertise to deepen and personalize student learning
- Opportunities to work with the Next Education Workforce team to consider how you can apply what you’ve learned to your own context
What: Launch Services includes registration for up to 20 participants to this three-day virtual event; additional seats can be purchased at a reduced rate
Who: Educator teams and their school leaders
When: Summer, typically June and/or July
Find more professional learning and events
Browse dates and details for more offerings and events from ASU’s Next Education Workforce.
What educators and leaders are saying
I never want to go back to single me in a classroom. I am better with my team.
Educator on a grades 7 and 8 team
Teachers again are excited and that is boiling over to our students being excited.
High school vice principal