Mountain View High School
Mountain View High School in Mesa, Ariz., which serves about 3,400 students in grades 9–12, piloted three 9th-grade educator teams with distributed expertise in the 2022–23 school year. Given the positive results, the school has since grown its teams to serve all 9th-grade students in 2024–25.
Each core team of educators is comprised of three to four educators, each of whom specializes in one or two content areas. Teams may also be supported by a senior-year teaching resident from Arizona State University and an extended educator team made up of professional educators, paraeducators and community educators.
Mountain View’s teaming vision is that every student feels a sense of belonging, connects with the Mountain View community and engages in relevant, meaningful academic pursuits.
In the resources below, you’ll learn how educators provide deeper and personalized learning by collaboratively planning to ensure dynamic student groupings and cross-curricular project-based-learning.

Mountain View High School: School Profile

Mountain View High School: Spotlight on the Schedule