School spotlight
Westwood High School
Approximately 900 ninth grade students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona are distributed across six Academy Teams. Each core team consists of at least four educators: a lead teacher and three certified teachers. Depending on students’ needs, special educators, English Language Learner educators, MLFC residents and paraeducators may also be included on the team. In the resources below, you’ll find out how they’re implementing a Next Education Workforce model, explore their schedule and see their learning space layout.
For additional information about Westwood High School, read or listen to KJZZ’s “At a Mesa high school, teams of teachers come together to engage, support.”

Westwood High School: Academy Teams profile
Approximately 900 ninth grade students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona are distributed across six Academy Teams. Each core team consists of at least four educators: a lead teacher and three certified teachers. Depending on students’ needs, special educators, English Language Learner educators, MLFC residents and paraeducators may also be included on the team. Here, you’ll learn how the school is implementing a team-based model.

Westwood High School’s Academy Teams: Learning space layout
Approximately 900 ninth grade students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona are distributed across six Academy Teams. In this resource, you’ll see the layout of their learning space.

Westwood High School Academy Teams: Spotlight on the schedule
Approximately 900 ninth grade students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona are distributed across six Academy Teams. Each core team consists of at least four educators: a lead teacher and three certified teachers. Depending on students’ needs, special educators, English Language Learner educators, MLFC residents and paraeducators may also be included on the team. In this resource, you’ll explore the school’s schedule.

Seminar-style teaching
This guide offers a step-by-step collaborative planning process designed to promote deeper and more personalized learning. Explore how Westwood High School educators implement differentiated roles, team-based support and flexible schedules to bring their vision of seminar learning to life.