Whittier Elementary School

Whittier Elementary School

During the last two years, Whittier Elementary School in Mesa, Arizona, has successfully moved toward implementing inquiry-based instructional approaches. This strong focus on inquiry, a deeper learning component, is the foundation upon which educator teams are building increasing personalization for learners.

Starting in 2020—21, approximately 170 students at Whittier are shifting to a new learning environment. Students in grades 4 through 6 are joining multi-age learning communities called “houses.” Each house includes about 85 students and will be guided by a core educator team of three certified teachers and two MLFC residents.

In the resources below, learn more about the school and how Whittier is implementing a Next Education Workforce model. Additionally, you’ll see their learning space layout and explore a schedule for a closer look at a day within one of Whittier’s houses.

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