It’s time to build the Next Education Workforce

Learn how to build team-based staffing models

The School Superintendents Association and Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College have teamed up to help school systems build the Next Education Workforce.

The default one-teacher, one-classroom model of schooling is unsustainable for most educators. We have an opportunity — and obligation — to fundamentally redesign how we staff schools.

Why redesign how we staff schools?
  • Most early-career teachers are surviving, not thriving
  • Delivering deeper and personalized learning for all students is nearly impossible when working alone
  • Teaching remains an isolating profession and teachers lack opportunity to collaborate and the autonomy typically given to members of other professions
  • On the whole, the educator workforce lacks the rich diversity of the students it serves


How do we create more dynamic staffing models?

One solution will not address all of the challenges listed above. However, we believe that teams of educators can work together to deliver better outcomes for learners and make the job of teaching more rewarding.

Each educator brings a set of unique skills and strengths. Some are better at communicating with families; others excel at building class culture or data-driven instruction. Team-based models allow educators to lean into their strengths. Furthermore, if an educator is absent, the team can dynamically adjust to minimize disruptions to learning.

Team-based staffing models also create new opportunities for role differentiation and specialization. Schools building these models have created lead teacher positions; designed new roles for paraeducators, part-time and retired teachers; and created sustainable, paid teacher residencies. Models look different in elementary and secondary environments. And differently in rural and urban communities. Context drives the design.

View school spotlights to learn how different schools are applying elements of the Next Education Workforce.

Who do I contact to learn more?

Reach out to Jan Vesely, former superintendent and ASU–AASA Partnership Lead:

Join the movement

Interested in partnering with Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College to build team-based staffing models? Explore the following opportunities for school and system leaders.