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Leader Launchpad

Date: March 27, 2025

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Pacific
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Phoenix
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Eastern

Venue: Online

Prepare to lead your school through a successful launch of team-based models

  • Who: School leaders; participants frequently include building-level leaders, teacher leaders and system-level leaders. Other decision-makers can also be included as desired.
  • When: March–April 2025; virtual sessions on March 27 and April 3, 10, 17, 24
  • Format: Five 90-minute virtual sessions.
  • Cost: $4,000 per school-level team of up to five. Additional attendees are $400 per person.


During Leader Launchpad, participants will prepare to pilot team-based models by:

Setting a vision for how team-based models will deepen and personalize learning for all students

Identifying launching teams for each pilot school

Creating a draft of your master schedule that prioritizes co-planning time for the core team

Drafting a plan for how you will use your existing space for pilots

Drafting a plan for how you will create shared rosters and provide access to formative data for teams to support learners

Drafting a communication plan for engaging your community


Registration opens August 2024.