Understanding the career aspirations of paraeducators in Mesa Public Schools

Understanding the career aspirations of paraeducators in Mesa Public Schools

In school districts across the country, paraeducators may be referred to as teacher aides, teacher assistants, or instructional aides. They’re all individuals who work in schools under the supervision of a licensed educator and provide support to teachers and students. They may work with students to reinforce learning, implement behavior intervention plans or work closely with school nurses to support students’ medical needs. They may lead small reading groups or assist in planning mini-lessons with their lead teacher. Some are working towards becoming licensed educators. In Arizona and states around the country, they might also be a part of a Next Education Workforce ™ team-based models, where their skills are strengthened through collaboration. 

Summer Institute: Launching Team-Based Models

Summer Institute: Launching Team-Based Models on July 17-20 is a four-day, all-virtual professional learning event designed for educator teams who are launching Next Education Workforce team-based models in fall 2023. Learn more and register on the event website. The...