Learning tools for community educators

Learning tools for community educators

Community educators provide capacity and insight in service of deepening and personalizing student learning. They enrich learning environments by forging authentic relationships, sharing expertise and expanding networks. They work in schools, community-based...
Learning tools for community educators

Building schedules for remote community educators in 5 steps

We define community educators as talented adults from the broader community who bring additional capacity, insight and expertise to classrooms. They include working professionals, retirees, veterans, former educators, family members and others with valuable skills who...
Learning tools for community educators

Six tips for facilitating remote team meetings

Educator teams meet for many reasons, and many of those meetings have moved online. The tips in this document are intended to help educator teams ensure meetings contribute positively to team culture, move productively toward shared goals, and provide team members a...
Team routines and procedures

Team routines and procedures

As we begin to adopt Next Education Workforce models, we inevitably find that some of the routines and procedures that worked in a one-teacher, one-classroom setting need to be adjusted. In this resource, you’ll find a list of some of the routines and procedures...
Teams and Distributed Expertise

Teams and Distributed Expertise

Principal of Stevenson Elementary School Krista Adams shares how taking a teaming approach counters loneliness, empowers educators, and results in a better experience for both educators and students.
Teams and Distributed Expertise

Hiring for Next Education Workforce models

Copper Trails principal Stacy E. Ellis shares how her criteria for hiring new educators changed as a result of teams adopting a Next Education Workforce model.