Space matters, but not having the money to invest in learning space design shouldn’t stop you from launching team-based models. This continuum is a tool to support decision-making for a phased approach for transforming learning spaces. We believe there is a continuum...
Community educators provide capacity and insight in service of deepening and personalizing student learning. They enrich learning environments by forging authentic relationships, sharing expertise and expanding networks. They work in schools, community-based...
In an effort to help teams, schools or districts self-assess their readiness to embark on this sort of work, we created this document to capture a common set of conditions that were present in places that are successfully moving toward Next Education Workforce...
As we begin to adopt Next Education Workforce models, we inevitably find that some of the routines and procedures that worked in a one-teacher, one-classroom setting need to be adjusted. In this resource, you’ll find a list of some of the routines and procedures...