Sousa Elementary School: Multi-age team profile

Sousa Elementary School: Multi-age team profile

At Sousa Elementary School in Mesa, Arizona, an educator team consisting of one lead teacher, three certified teachers, one special educator and three MLFTC residents supports a multi-age group of 104 first and second graders. The team is also joined by four specials...
Co-creating school design principles

Co-creating school design principles

Design principles are four to seven ideas that align with the school’s mission and vision and act as a guiding light for the school-level team implementing change. When schools build design principles as a larger community — engaging faculty, staff, families, students...
Sousa Elementary School: Multi-age team profile

Westwood High School Academy Teams: Spotlight on the schedule

Approximately 900 ninth grade students at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona are distributed across six Academy Teams. Each core team consists of at least four educators: a lead teacher and three certified teachers. Depending on students’ needs, special educators,...
Elements of the Next Education Workforce

Elements of the Next Education Workforce

There is no one-size-fits-all Next Education Workforce model. The diverse contexts, assets and needs of each school inform the design and implementation of each model. However, all Next Education Workforce models share several common elements. This document describes...